What is Craft Beer?

Seems like everyone and their grandma is throwing around the term craft beer. Every day there are new beers in the store that claim to be from a craft beer brewery.

Brewers Association defines craft brewer as a small, independent brewer.

Craft beer comes from independent, small, micro breweries. The biggest difference between craft beer breweries and non-craft beer breweries is the size. Smaller breweries usually have a wider range of styles and will usually experiment more while focusing on the quality and taste. That’s why sometimes you will see your local brewery offer something completely new only for it to never be seen again.

Smaller breweries have much more freedom to experiment and try new things than their larger competitors. They can be compared to ships in the ocean. A smaller ship can turn much quicker than a bigger one.

Craft beer comes in a wide range of variations, one for every taste.
